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The Missing Nutrient And Allergies

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 03/22/2024

Many people are unaware of how having a folic acid deficiency could be linked to the triggering of allergies.

Learn about the intricate connection between our genes, nutrition, and overall well-being.

Understanding Allergies and the Role of Folic Acid

Allergies can be a real nuisance. Deficiencies of folic acid can be one reason that causes allergies.

The link between folic acid deficiency and allergic reactions

Allergies are often associated with high histamine levels in our bodies. Histamines are compounds released during an immune response, causing inflammation and swelling.

Fascinatingly enough, research suggests a connection between insufficient folate (the natural form of folic acid) intake and elevated histamine levels.

Genetic predisposition toward developing allergies

Atopy is when someone has a genetic tendency to develop certain conditions like rhinitis or eczema due to high histamines. This is important to understand if one wants to stop dealing with allergies.

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MTHFR Enzyme Mutation and Its Impact on Folate Absorption

Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in our bodies, allowing folic acid to function effectively.

Understanding MTHFR Mutation's Impact on Health

Research shows, however, that mutations in this enzyme are more common than we might think. Mutations in MTHFR can lead to reduced folate absorption, essential for DNA synthesis and repair, and the conversion of homocysteine into methionine - a critical amino acid.

How MTHFR mutation contributes to allergy development

The link between MTHFR mutations and allergies makes sense when you consider how vital folates are for regulating histamine levels within the body.

Inadequate amounts could result in higher-than-normal histamine levels, potentially leading to allergic reactions such as skin rashes or rhinitis.

Diagnosis for MTHFR Mutation

If you've been experiencing allergy symptoms and suspect a folic acid deficiency might be at play, it's time to consider getting tested. An MTHFR mutation test, known as methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene test, could reveal the answers.

Steps involved in getting tested for an MTFHR mutation

The process is relatively straightforward. First off, consult with your healthcare provider about your concerns and symptoms. Your doctor may then recommend genetic testing, which typically involves providing a blood sample that will be sent to a lab for analysis.

Interpreting Your Results from an MTHER Gene Test

A positive result indicates one or two copies of the mutated gene are present.

But this doesn't mean you'll automatically develop health problems related to folate absorption; rather it suggests increased susceptibility. Around 40% of people have some form of this enzyme defect.

Nutritional Remedies for Addressing Folate Deficiency Caused by MTHFR Mutation

When dealing with an MTHFR mutation, addressing the folate deficiency often accompanying this condition is crucial. The good news is there are plenty of nutritional remedies available.

Spinach leaves

Dietary Sources Rich in Natural Folates

Many dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and avocados naturally contain folic acid.

  • Eat a salad packed with fresh spinach or kale daily to boost your intake of natural folates.

  • A slice of avocado on toast can make for a tasty snack while providing essential nutrients.

Supplemental Remedies Recommended For Those Affected By MTHFR Mutations

If dietary changes aren't enough or if you're struggling to get sufficient folic acid from food alone due to malabsorption issues caused by an MTHFR mutation, supplements might be necessary.

Folic Acid Deficiency and Homeopathic Remedy

Folic acid deficiency is a condition that occurs when there is an inadequate intake or absorption of folic acid, a B vitamin essential for various bodily functions.

While homeopathic remedies are often considered for different health concerns, it's important to note that limited scientific evidence supports their effectiveness specifically for folic acid deficiency.

Addressing folic acid deficiency typically involves dietary changes and supplementation with folic acid or folate, available as conventional treatments. Foods rich in folic acid include leafy greens, citrus fruits, legumes, and fortified cereals.

Supplementation may be necessary in cases of severe deficiency or when dietary sources are insufficient.


Understanding the intricate relationship between folic acid deficiency, genetic predispositions like MTHFR mutations, and allergic reactions sheds light on new avenues for managing allergies effectively.

Ensuring that you have adequate folic acid is one of the best ways to prevent allergy symptoms from flaring up.

By addressing nutritional deficiencies and considering genetic factors, individuals can take proactive steps toward improving their overall well-being and alleviating allergy symptoms.

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