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Common Causes of Twitching or Tetany

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/24/2024

While some people regularly experience twitches, not many understand that this could be a sign that your body is trying to tell you something.

Learn about what causes twitching, the consequences that can follow, and what you can do to prevent negative effects on your health.

Understanding Alkalosis and its Impact on the Body

When your eyes twitch, it is often a sign that your are suffering from alkalosis.

Alkalosis occurs when your body becomes too alkaline, particularly in the blood. Causes of this imbalance include factors like insufficient hydrochloric acid in our stomachs or decreased potassium from our diet.

Cortisol triggered by stress can also contribute to an overly alkaline body. Even using diuretics has been linked to this issue.

The Role of Diet in Alkalosis

A lack of dietary potassium can also play a role in alkalosis.

Not having enough of it can push your system towards becoming too alkaline. Research shows how vital a proper diet is for maintaining acceptable pH levels within our bodies.

Stress-Induced Alkalosis

Elevated cortisol (aka 'the stress hormone') plays a part in inducing alkalosis.

If left unchecked, this chemical reaction can lead to low calcium levels, affecting nerve and muscle impulses and causing symptoms like twitching. So the next time your eye twitches during a tense meeting, remember - it might just be more than stress at play.

The Connection Between Hypocalcemia and Twitching

Have you ever had a sudden, unexpected jerk of your muscle? That's called twitching.Low calcium levels in your bloodstream could be linked to these sudden muscle spasms.

Hypocalcemia is not just about weak bones or teeth; it impacts nerve functions, too. When insufficient calcium flows through the bloodstream, our nerves can misfire, causing twitches.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Hypocalcemia

Vitamin D is essential in helping your body absorb calcium from food.

Without sufficient vitamin D intake or sunlight exposure (our bodies produce vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun), we risk developing hypocalcemia.

If you've been skimping on outdoor time or live where sunshine is scarce during winter, consider checking your vitamin D level.

Symptoms of Hypocalcemia

Apart from annoying cramps that often occur around the eye area (myokymia, as doctors call it), other symptoms of hypocalcemia include tingling sensations in fingers or toes, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), palpitations, which feel like a racing heartbeat, psychosis depression anxiety, and even shallow blood pressure.

Cramps caused by hypocalcemic myokymia are generally harmless, but they could signal that something more serious is afoot. It is advisable to consult a physician if twitching persists.

Unraveling Hypomagnesemia

Hypomagnesemia, or low magnesium levels in the blood, can lead to startling symptoms. These include tremors and spasms that might leave you feeling out of sorts.

Fatigue is another symptom associated with hypomagnesemia. It's a type of exhaustion that seems unshakeable, even after a restful sleep. Palpitations and arrhythmias, both being irregular heart rhythms, can be caused by hypomagnesemia.

The Impact of Medications on Magnesium Levels

Medications play a significant role in causing hypomagnesemia. Antibiotics are commonly used drugs that can deplete your body's magnesium stores. But it doesn't stop there; diuretics have the same effect. A surprising contributor to hypomagnesemia is antacid use.

Beyond medication use, other factors like insulin resistance and fluoride exposure contribute more to this issue than many realize.

Action Steps to Prevent Twitching and Tetany

Twitching and tetany can be alarming experiences, but there are practical steps you can take to prevent them. Let's explore how dietary changes, stress management techniques, and certain supplements can help.

Dietary Changes for Better Health

Nourishment is an essential factor in achieving better health. Increasing the intake of magnesium and potassium-rich foods is vital. Magnesium helps regulate nerve functions, while potassium balances fluids in your body.

Foods high in magnesium include green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fish. Avocados and spinach are excellent potassium-rich foods to consume if your stores are depleted.

Stress Management for Alkalosis Prevention

An overly alkaline body state or 'alkalosis' contributes significantly towards twitching or tetany symptoms, which stress often triggers. Therefore, it's essential to keep those cortisol levels at bay through relaxation techniques like walking or taking breathing deeply.

Beyond this, taking betaine hydrochloride (to increase stomach acid), consuming apple cider vinegar for better digestion, and adding vitamin D supplementation for calcium absorption all make significant strides toward preventing these conditions.

Using filters on taps or showers that remove fluorine compounds from water supplies is also important.


Twitches can signal underlying health issues like alkalosis, hypocalcemia, or hypomagnesemia.

Preventing twitches involves dietary changes, stress management, and targeted supplementation. Increasing magnesium and potassium intake, managing stress levels, and supplementing with vitamins and minerals can help maintain electrolyte balance.

Addressing factors like fluorine exposure and supporting stomach acid production can further prevent symptoms.

By taking proactive steps to address imbalances and support overall health, individuals can prevent twitches and associated health issues, promoting better well-being.

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