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Manage Diabetes By Understanding This Diet

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/25/2024

Having diabetes makes life extremely difficult, and can make managing your health seem like a nightmare. Understanding the cause of diabetes can help you understand the best way to take care of your body.

Learn about diabetes, insulin resistance, and how you can best manage your condition while supporting your overall health.

The Role of Insulin and the Pancreas in Blood Sugar Regulation

Your pancreas makes insulin, which is a hormone that opens cells to let sugar in for energy use.

This process keeps blood sugar levels balanced.

Understanding Insulin Production and Function

Your body needs balance - just enough fuel, but not too much. So if we eat more carbs than necessary, our pancreas works overtime producing insulin.

Excess insulin can lead to issues with cell receptors, making them less responsive or "resistant."

The Onset of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance isn't about sudden rebellion by your cells against insulin. Instead, think of slow burn-out due to overload from those pesky extra carbs.

Research shows high carb intake disrupts this feedback loop, leading to diabetes. By understanding these mechanisms, we can take steps toward prevention and management.

The Progression from Insulin Resistance to Diabetes

It's widely known that our systems can take in a certain amount of carbohydrates. But when we overload, it leads to a cascade of health issues.

How Insulin Resistance Buffers Excess Insulin Initially

In the early stages, your body tries to keep things balanced. When you eat too many carbs, your pancreas works overtime, producing insulin - the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

This spike in insulin production initially keeps blood sugar stable, but it results in insulin resistance over time.

The Exhaustion of the Pancreas Over Time

The constant demand for insulin on a pancreas can eventually wear out the cells that produce it.

As this happens, your ability to control blood sugar declines, leading to higher glucose levels. This can result in pre-diabetes and potentially full-blown diabetes. That's why reducing carbohydrate intake is a good strategy against the progression of diabetes.

Medications for Diabetes and Their Limitations

We often turn to medications when dealing with diabetes, but are they a real fix? Let's dive deeper into the common types of diabetes meds.

Types of Diabetes Medications

Diabetes medications, broadly speaking, fall into three categories. Some increase insulin production in your body, others improve insulin receptor function, and others promote sugar excretion through urine.

Addressing Symptoms vs. Root Cause

The tricky part is that these drugs don't tackle the root cause, which is excessive carb consumption. Instead, they manage symptoms by artificially lowering blood sugar or increasing insulin sensitivity.

The Influence of Dietary Guidelines on Carbohydrate Consumption

The USDA's MyPlate guide recommends large portions of grains and fruits - both carb-heavy food groups. Sure, we get essential nutrients from these foods, but they can spike our blood sugar levels when consumed excessively.

This means that following these recommendations could lead to overproduction of insulin by our pancreas. And you know what happens next: Insulin resistance, prediabetes, or even diabetes itself.

Data shows a strong correlation between countries adopting Western dietary guidelines and increased rates of diabetes. But there's more to it than blaming carbs - other factors like lack of exercise also play into this equation.

The Potential of Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting in Addressing Diabetes

Reducing carb intake is critical to managing diabetes. The ketogenic diet, a low-carb, high-fat regimen proven, can be beneficial for insulin sensitivity.

The Ketogenic Diet and Its Impact on Insulin Sensitivity

A study shows that keto can help lower blood sugar levels. By cutting carbs, your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy.

This switch helps reduce the demand for insulin, making it easier for your cells to use this hormone effectively.

Intermittent fasting concept

Intermittent Fasting as a Tool for Blood Sugar Control

Moving beyond diets, let's talk about intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting isn't just skipping meals; it's an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and not eating.

Research suggests intermittent fasting can improve insulin resistance because, during fasting periods, less food means less need for insulin production.

Diet for People with Diabetes

A suitable diet for people with diabetes or prediabetes is essential in managing blood sugar levels and overall health.

The prediabetes diet focuses on proper meals with controlled carbohydrates, emphasizing lean proteins and plenty of fiber-rich vegetables. This diet encourages portion control and avoiding sugary beverages and high-glycemic foods.

Individuals with prediabetes must work with a healthcare provider or dietitian to create a personalized plan that fits their specific needs and helps prevent the progression to full-blown diabetes.

Regular exercise and monitoring blood sugar levels are vital to this dietary approach.


Understanding the link between excess carbs and diabetes is critical to making smarter dietary choices.

Insulin, our body's natural blood sugar regulator, can only take so much abuse from overconsumption of carbohydrates.

This carb overload leads to insulin resistance, a precursor for pre-diabetes and eventually full-blown diabetes. Remember that while medications help manage symptoms, they don't tackle this root cause.

Dietary guidelines promoting high-carb diets might be part of the problem, too! But hope isn't lost...

A keto diet or periodical fasting could help you become more responsive to insulin and better control your blood sugar.

You can avoid these health issues by being mindful of your carbohydrate intake.

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