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Should I Cycle Carbs on Keto

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/06/2024

You're deep into keto, crushing your goals, and feeling amazing. But there's this nagging question: can you, should you, incorporate cycling carbs on keto? You're not alone. This question pops up constantly in the keto community.

Let's break down this strategy and see if it aligns with your health journey.

Understanding the Core of Keto

Before we discuss cycling carbs on keto, we must grasp the fundamentals of the ketogenic diet. Essentially, keto significantly reduces carbohydrate intake, replacing it with healthy fats.

This dietary shift moves your body away from using glucose (from carbs) as its primary energy source toward utilizing ketones created from fat.

Think of your liver as a metabolic powerhouse capable of producing glucose from dietary fat and protein. This means your body isn’t dependent on dietary carbohydrates for energy, contrary to popular belief. You can thrive without them. It's about changing the fuel, not eliminating it.

What is Carb Cycling on Keto?

Carb cycling on keto strategically reintroduces carbohydrates into your diet for a specific duration before returning to a low-carb state. The idea is to replenish glycogen stores (your body's carbohydrate reserves), potentially boost energy, and prevent plateaus.

However, it’s a hotly debated topic in the fitness world, with passionate voices on both sides. Some individuals experience benefits like improved energy and better athletic performance, while others find it disrupts their progress and leads to cravings.

Benefits of Carb Cycling on Keto

Many potential benefits are associated with carb cycling on keto. However, it's important to note that these benefits may vary from person to person, and more research is needed to understand the long-term effects fully.

Increased Energy Levels

One of the main reasons people consider carb cycling on keto is to combat dips in energy levels sometimes accompanying a low-carb lifestyle. Briefly increasing carbohydrate intake can replenish glycogen stores in your muscles, giving your body an extra energy source.

Breaking Through Weight Loss Plateaus

Weight loss plateaus are a common frustration for many individuals, regardless of their diet. Carb cycling on keto is thought to mitigate this issue. By temporarily increasing carbs, you can influence leptin levels, a hormone regulating metabolism and hunger.

Hormonal Regulation

Hormonal balance, especially for women, is crucial for overall health and well-being. Some proponents suggest that carb cycling on keto can help regulate hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which play a role in appetite control and metabolism.

Psychological Relief and Flexibility

Let’s face it – sticking to a restrictive diet long-term can be mentally challenging. Carb cycling on keto introduces flexibility into the equation, allowing for occasional, planned indulgences in carb-rich foods. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with feelings of deprivation on a strict ketogenic diet.

Fit young women eating salad

Drawbacks of Carb Cycling on Keto

While carb cycling on keto might sound appealing, it's not without its potential drawbacks. Before changing your diet, carefully weigh these considerations and consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Disruption of Ketosis

The primary drawback of carb cycling on keto is the potential to disrupt ketosis. Consuming a higher number of carbs than your body can immediately use for energy can shift you out of ketosis.

This means your body will revert to using glucose as its primary fuel source instead of ketones.

Increased Cravings

Reintroducing carbohydrates, even in a controlled manner, can lead to increased cravings and difficulty maintaining a low-carb lifestyle long-term.

If you are prone to sugar cravings or struggle with impulse control around certain foods, carb cycling may not be the right dietary approach.

Potential for Weight Gain

If not done mindfully and within a specific calorie range, carb cycling on keto could lead to weight gain.

While the occasional carb-up might not impact the scale significantly, frequent or excessive carb intake can easily tip the calorie balance, potentially leading to unwanted pounds.

Digestive Discomfort

Some individuals experience digestive discomfort when they significantly fluctuate their carbohydrate intake. This can manifest as bloating, gas, or changes in bowel movements.

When Cycling Carbs on Keto Could Backfire

If you are new to keto, adding carbs back in might stall progress. It’s best to solidify your metabolic adaptation before experimenting with variations. Imagine trying to learn a new language and switching back and forth between dialects before mastering the basics.

Plus, cycling carbs on keto isn’t a green light to binge on donuts and pizza. Smart choices matter, focusing on nutrient-dense, high-fiber options that align with your goals. Pay attention to how your body responds – what works for one person might not be ideal for another.

Low-carb foods on a table

Cycle Your Way to Success

Explores how integrating carb cycling into a ketogenic diet can optimize performance and aid in weight loss.

Carb cycling involves alternating between high-carb and low-carb days, strategically timing carbohydrate intake to maximize energy levels and support metabolic flexibility.

This approach can be particularly beneficial for athletes and active individuals who need extra fuel for intense workouts while still enjoying the benefits of ketosis on rest days.

Carb cycling allows for targeted carbohydrate intake, which can replenish glycogen stores, enhance muscle recovery, and boost overall performance during high-intensity exercises.

On high-carb days, incorporating healthy, complex carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa, and whole grains can provide the necessary energy without causing drastic insulin spikes.

On low-carb days, sticking to traditional keto foods helps maintain ketosis and promotes fat burning.

By cycling carbs, you can prevent the common plateau that sometimes occurs with a strict ketogenic diet. This method helps keep your metabolism active, preventing it from becoming too efficient at conserving energy and slowing down weight loss.

Additionally, carb cycling can reduce the psychological stress associated with strict dieting by offering more variety and flexibility in your meal planning.


Deciding to include cycling carbs on keto is personal. Factors like your health goals, how comfortable you are in ketosis, and your overall lifestyle choices come into play. It is crucial to remember that our bodies thrive on consistency.

Continually disrupting ketosis by frequently cycling carbs might not be the most effective way to achieve your ultimate goals.

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