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Hypoglycemia Diet: Best Foods For Fixing Hypoglycemia

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

Today, I want to talk about fixing hypoglycemia by following a protein-rich hypoglycemia diet. Here’s why protein plays a huge role in your blood sugar levels.

RELATED: Hypoglycemia Don't Make This Common Mistake

In this article:

  1. What is Hypoglycemia?
  2. What Does That Mean?
  3. What Conventional Medicine Is Doing Wrong
  4. The Best Solution for Hypoglycemia
  5. Glucagon: The Missing Link
  6. Protein Triggers Glucagon

How Hypoglycemia Diet Helps Neutralize Blood Sugar 


What Is Hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia means the blood sugars go too low. Normally in the body, you should have blood sugars of 100.


What Does That Mean?

If you know a person whose weight is 180 lbs, this person would have about 1 gallon and a half of blood in his/her entire body. The amount of sugar that would be diluted there to equal 100 would be a teaspoon. You don't have to eat sugar, though, like drinking soft drinks. Your body can make sugar from protein and even from fat.

One thing to remember is we need normal blood sugar levels to maintain fuel in our bodies. So again, it should be 100. When it drops down below 70, that's when you get hypoglycemia symptoms, such as the following:

  • Brain fog
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Shakiness

Today, we'll talk about how to fix hypoglycemia or what's the best hypoglycemia diet. Think of taking your kids grocery shopping when they're too hungry. They get irritable, right? When you experience hypoglycemic episodes and those blood sugars crash, it pushes you out of the present. You won't be able to think rationally, and you'll end up eating things you'll regret later.


What Conventional Medicine Is Doing Wrong

Here's the problem with this condition: The doctors tell people to keep candy or glucose tablets in their pocket in case their blood sugars run low. They are even telling the same thing to diabetic patients. Looking at this problem very superficially is what's wrong here. To put things in perspective, if you're taking medication for this condition and it's spiking up your blood sugar and then it’s also crashing too fast, it could be you're taking too much medication.

Rather than trying to correct it at the blood sugar level, why not take a little less to even it out? That's one solution to prevent hypoglycemia.

RELATED: The Most Accurate Method to Determine Your Blood Sugar Is Not A1C


The Best Solution for Hypoglycemia

Sweet foods to avoid | Hypoglycemia Diet: Best Foods For Fixing Hypoglycemia

The next solution is to get out of the diet plan that triggers this in the first place — the sugars, concentrated sweets, refined carbohydrates, and hypoglycemia foods that spike blood sugar like this.

I want to tell you an equally important thing — about the opposing hormone of Fat Storing Hormone (a growth hormone). Fat Storing Hormone reacts to glucose and what it does is lower blood sugar. So, there's a hormone doing the opposite that is made by the pancreas, but this hormone is also made by the pancreas, and it is the missing piece. It's called glucagon

Glucagon: The Missing Link

What is glucagon? The hormone glucagon raises blood sugars, while Fat Storing Hormone lowers them. What it does is it mobilizes and releases stored sugar from your liver and even from the muscles when the body needs energy.

So, you have this thing called glycogen; that's stored sugar. Glucagon releases that to keep the sugar levels constant. Now, you have this constant thing where Fat Storing Hormone and glucagon are working together. So, now, here's the question: Why don't we just increase glucagon instead of eating candy? That's because people don't understand what triggers glucagon.

The main food that triggers glucagon is protein, which can be the main food for hypoglycemia. Just take moderate amounts of protein; around three to five ounces will suffice. You can also get protein from vegetables.


Protein Triggers Glucagon

High protein food | Hypoglycemia Diet: Best Foods For Fixing Hypoglycemia

I had blood sugar issues when I was young and then one day for breakfast, instead of having a carbohydrate breakfast, I decided to have protein one. It was like a switch. Instantly, I could think again. I had clarity, not foggy like I used to be. That was because of this situation right here - it brought my blood sugar back up normally.

If you're doing a very low protein diet and not having enough protein from each meal, then you could be having a hypoglycemic reaction. Another one is eating too much sugar or if you're a diabetic who is taking too much medication. Hypoglycemia is very easy to correct through a hypoglycemia diet if you understand the need for protein. I put some links down below for the eating plan for Fat Storing Hormone resistance. My biggest point here is don't reach for sugar to bring blood sugar back up — reach for protein instead. As far as eating a meal goes, to really correct this, do not snack in-between meals.

I know hypoglycemics are told to do that but instead, try adding fat to your low blood sugar diet — healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, or even some animal fats or butter. The point is if you do that, that won't spike Fat Storing Hormone. You'll go longer without eating and experience fewer drops in blood sugar.

If you do that consistently, you can heal this whole mechanism. It's also good for hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes, and other conditions related to one’s blood sugar.

Hyperglycemia Definition: It is the opposite of hypoglycemia where there is excess of glucose in one’s bloodstream.

By correcting your hypoglycemia diet through eating more protein than sugar, you’ll achieve normal blood sugar levels in a healthy way. If you think you are experiencing hypoglycemic symptoms, start adding protein to your diet and regain the normal state you had.

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Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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