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Fat Is NOT the Cause of Fat Storing Hormone Resistance

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/07/2024

Fat is NOT the Cause of Fat Storing Hormone Resistance

There isn't a relationship between eating saturated fats and diabetes.

Fat Storing Hormone is a hormone that regulates blood sugars and lowers it. In the presence of Fat Storing Hormone, you are not going to burn fat and it causes fat to be stored.

Fat Storing Hormone resistance is different. As Fat Storing Hormone connects to the cell, the cell does not absorb it anymore . It blocks it.

On the other side of the cell, you would have low Fat Storing Hormone and the cell woud be starving of:

  • Food

  • Nutrition

  • Energy

  • Glucose

...which then sends a signal back to produce more Fat Storing Hormone.

Symptoms of Fat Storing Hormone Resistance

People with Fat Storing Hormone resistance have 5 to 7 times more Fat Storing Hormone than normal people.

So many people have Fat Storing Hormone resistance and don’t even know it because it takes 10 years for it to develop.

It causes a stubborn belly fat and a fatty liver which cause Fat Storing Hormone resistance. It's a huge ugly cycle.

You will also:

  • feel tired after you eat.

  • be not satisfied after you eat.

  • crave for sweets.

  • have high blood pressure.

  • have fluid retention problem


Gurus Give False Information about Diabetes

There are gurus out there pushing this avoidance of saturated fats.

Joslin Diabetes Center have 5 Myths on a section of their website that are bogus information. Some of the things they write as "Myths" are actualy true and what they report as 'Facts' are way off.

The following is from Joslin Diabete Center website under 'Diabetes and Nutrition':

“5 Common Myths with People with Diabetes Debunked”

1. “People with diabetes have to eat differently from their family, right? (Myth)”

"Fact: People with diabetes can eat the same foods their family eat.”

The Truth: Of course people with diabetes have to eat differently from their family. What if the family is eating sugar?


2. “People with diabetes should never give in to food cravings. (Myth)”

“Facts: If a craving does occur, let yourself have a small taste of whatever you want. In doing so, you will enjoy the flavor and avoid overeating later on.”

The Truth: As soon as you start eating something, you will want it more because it will spike the sugar and then drop it.

The purpose of fat is to protect you from the starvation of sugar. Their method doesn’t starve sugar; it gives you a little throughout the day, just enough to block you from losing weight.

To be able to lose weight, you have to drop sugar way down. This is how to switch to the burning of fat.


3. “People with diabetes should not eat too much starchy foods even if they contain fiber because starch raises your blood glucose and makes you gain weight. (Myth)”

“Facts: Starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice, and cereal provides carbohydrates - the body’s energy food. Fruit, milk, yogurt, and deserts have carbohydrates as well. Everyone needs some carbohydrates in their diet, even people with diabetes.”

The Truth: The body can run on ketones which is another energy source from fat. Diabetics have too much sugar in their blood so they don’t need to add more sugar in their diet to stimulate Fat Storing Hormone.


4. “People with diabetes do not have to worry about eating fat because it doesn’t have much effect on the blood glucose. (Myth)”

“Facts: Fat found in margarine, oil, and salad dressing have a little intermediate effect on blood glucose levels; however, eating a fatty meal can slow down digestion and make it harder for your Fat Storing Hormone to work, causing a possible high glucose levels hours after your meal.

The Truth: Fats are neutral. You don’t have to worry about fat increasing Fat Storing Hormone; sugar does.

What Studies Show about Fat

There are gurus out there that will tell you that sugar does not cause Fat Storing Hormone resistance or diabetes.

Sugar DOES cause diabetes.

This is why it is so frustrating because one doctor says 'eat fat' and the the other doctor says 'avoid fat' – this causes massive confusion.

You need to understand what the actual research really says about diabetes. According to some research articles that show the relationship between a low-carbohydrate diet compared to a low-fat diet:

  • This study is from New England Journal of Medicine:

    “Severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes or metabolic syndrome gain more weight during six months on a carbohydrate-restricted diet than on a calorie or fat-restricted diet with relative improvement in Fat Storing Hormone sensitivity.”

  • In this study, they are showing that having some fat and low carbs is a good thing for your blood sugar. 
    Beyond Weight Loss: A review of the therapeutic of very low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets- Ketogenic is a diet where it involves adding a lot more fat to the diet but you have to keep the sugars really low.

    “Very low-carbohydrate diets or ketogenic diets have been in use since the 1920’s as a therapy for epilepsy and in some cases, can completely remove the need for medication.

    Over the last decade or so, there has been evidences of the therapeutic potential of ketogenic diets for illnesses such as diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, neurological diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular problems.

These are studies that show that saturated fats are not that bad. You don’t want to be afraid of fat.

There are 7 studies out there and one is showing a weak relationship regarding this, called “Almost a Significant Relationship”. 

6 Studies show there is no influence or effect on your blood sugars when eating saturated fats.

Gurus out there have ignored these and focused on 1 weak study that they are using to get the population off the fat and on the sugar.

So, you keep eating the sugar but you are not getting any better, and you are on medication.

There is something called the Fat Storing Hormone Index which is a study looking at the relationship among non-carbohydrate things that stimulate Fat Storing Hormone.

Fats are low on the list. They are almost neutral. They don’t stimulate Fat Storing Hormone; they buffer Fat Storing Hormone.

Fat helps with diabetics and weight loss because after eating fat, you can go longer without eating again. When you are not eating, you drop the Fat Storing Hormone down.

Take a look at these studies:










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