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Can Pushups Help You Reduce Heart Disease?

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

Do push-ups lower your cardiovascular disease risk? Here’s what they don’t tell you!


0:00 Introduction: push-ups and cardiovascular disease

1:05 How does cardiovascular disease start?

1:28 Push-ups and inflammation—is there a connection?

1:38 The real causes of inflammation

3:01 Share your success story!

In this video, we’re going to talk about push-ups and cardiovascular disease.

A cohort study involving over 1000 people showed that the number of push-ups that a person can do, the less risk they have of heart disease over ten years.

In this study, they compared people who are able to do more than 40 push-ups to those who can do ten or fewer push-ups.

I don’t believe that doing more push-ups necessarily means your risk of heart disease reduces. Instead, I believe that people who can do more push-ups tend to have a healthier lifestyle compared to those who don’t.

I have a question for you: how many push-ups can you do? Put your answer in the comments below.

The reason I wanted to talk about this study is that I think that researchers should put more time and money into the cause of heart disease—what is behind it?

Cardiovascular disease starts with inflammation in the inner lining of your arteries. This inflammation causes plaque and artery hardening. In turn, this starts to obstruct blood flow. Blood clots can also obstruct flow and cause a heart attack. Clots can then break into pieces can go into the brain, causing a stroke.

The question is, can push-ups reduce inflammation? I personally don’t think so.

The consumption of refined carbs/sugars is the biggest cause of inflammation.

The most common causes of inflammation are:

• Sugar

• Diabetes

• Refined oils

• Refined flour

• Smoking

• Stress

• Vitamin E deficiency

In summary, the key to lowering your cardiovascular disease risk is reducing your inflammation—not doing more push-ups (though it probably won’t hurt).

Check out this video on How to Reverse Cardiovascular Disease: https://youtu.be/1N1Fw0FPXds

DATA: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2724778

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