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Breaking Old Bad Habits Part 3

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/30/2023

Are bad habits keeping you from reaching your health goals? Try this.


0:00 Rid old bad habits - Part 3

0:58 How to create your health

5:55 What not to do

7:17 How to bulletproof your immune system

In this video, we’re going to talk about how to get rid of old bad habits. This is part three of the getting rid of bad habits series. If you haven’t already seen those videos, check out the links above.

We’re now at the point where we’re ready to create new, healthy habits. The keyword here is “create.” You have to constantly create the habit for it to become a new habit.

Whether you know it or not, you’re either creating your health or destroying your health. When you don’t exercise, your health starts to diminish. This is a constant thing you need to keep in mind so you can put in the effort to create health.

Here’s what you can do to start creating your health and forming good habits:

1. Keep it easy — make sure your meals are healthy and simple (4 ingredients or less), and eat a variety of meals and desserts to keep things fresh.

2. Increase the amount of fat you have with your meal — eating more fat will help you avoid snacking between meals.

3. No junk food — get all of the junk food out of your house. If it’s available to you, you’re going to eat it.

4. Fewer restaurant meals — eating at a restaurant can make you feel bloated and tired because you can’t control the hidden ingredients they add to the meal.

5. Transition out of dirty keto — dirty keto isn’t all bad. However, after you have the hang of dirty keto, you should transition into Healthy Keto if possible to further create your health.

6. Increase your awareness — many people go straight for junk food when they are stressed without realizing it. Increasing your awareness will help you avoid these situations.

7. Don’t ask, “what am I in the mood for?” — Don’t eat out of emotion or cravings. This will lead to many bad food choices. Plan your meals out ahead of time, so you don’t leave room for bad meal choices.

8. At restaurants, tell them not to bring bread or the dessert menu — when you go out to eat, eliminate tempting processed carb options like bread, chips, and desserts.

Here’s what you should NOT do:

1. Allow yourself to be temped

2. Have snacks (even if they’re keto!)

3. Have a cheat day

Breaking Bad Old Habits (Part 1) ➡ https://youtu.be/Ol3cYzeC1FM

Breaking Bad Old Habits (Part 2) ➡ https://youtu.be/QrWn52EJp4w

KETO RECIPES ➡https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAGH-jp4YXl30rir1BPrxA

DIRTY KETO ➡https://youtu.be/gWMqes8rXcU

Healthy Keto Guide for Beginner

FREE Keto Diet Plan