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Adrenal Fatigue Advanced Formula FAQ

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

A lot of people ask about our product called Adrenal Fatigue Advanced Formula. As an upgrade of the  Cortisol Support, the latter is no longer available for sale.

This upgraded version of the Cortisol Support has an additional super food called the ashwagandha as the key element in this new product. Supporting mainly those who suffer from chronic inflammation conditions due to low cortisol, this formula is designed to either control or alleviate discomforts and problems when low stress tolerance or autoimmune conditions occur. 

Aside from ashwagandha, vitamin C and an organic liver extract from grass-fed animals were added to boost your adrenal hormone production, adaptability to stress, and to buffer your cortisol level. Thus, if you're currently experiencing stress for quite a long time and if you think you're about to burn out, you might want to combat inefficiency and ineffectiveness sooner than later.

Learn more about Adrenals from Dr. Berg Video Blog.

Take Dr. Berg's Advanced Evaluation Quiz: http://bit.ly/EvalQuiz

For Low Cortisol, Check out Dr. Berg's Adrenal Stress Advanced Formula Here 

For High Cortisol, Check out Dr. Berg's Adrenal & Cortisol Support Here 

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